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By Srinivasan, Doctor, Chennai Hi all. Your horoscope matching or not this is not a 2 min job. This helps us to find a right life partner.
Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. You can select South Indian and North Indian Kundali style to check birth charts for marriage matching. What are qualities negative points of your partner. Guna Milan is based matchmaking horoscope for marriage the position of Moon in the Natal Charts of bride and groom. Every time you order a vedic astrology service through our site, your between gets looked at by a very experienced and knowledgeable vedic astrologer in India. Solve your problems in marriage, education, profession, health, finance with the help of astrology. In very rare cases our horoscope does not match with our partner. Currently we offer this professional tool free of difference. What details we need to check compatibility?.
Online matchmaking is not a website concentrating any particular religion for major religons like Christians, Jews and Muslims are increasingly turning towards faith-oriented online matchmaking sites to meet their mates. It includes the analysis of all the nine planets of both individuals. Kundli Matching of bride and groom will let them know how stars will influence their marital life and what can be the remedial actions to cure such obstacles.
Horoscope Matching - Kundli Matching - He is patient, and is forthcoming with his analysis of your horoscope.
The Matchmaking Beautiful report The kundali making for matching is a method which can give info about your Mental and Physical compatibility, Longevity of the marriage , Nature, Health according to Astrology, Childbirth, Separative tendencies and financial standings. The beautiful report he report will cover important Horoscope charts, Manglik status, Ashtakoot Guna milan, Relationship parameters match analysis and personality Analysis. Before an expected marriage, Kundali matching has the capacity to guide you to Successful marriage which would assure: Lots of Mutual attraction between the spouses after marriage; Domestic kindness among the spouses and their families; Peace of mind to both the partners of this enduring venture; Mutual agreement between spouses on not one but all elements of married life; Sexual satisfaction within your married life; Perfect health of the spouses and eventually of their offsprings; Healthy pregnancy and children for the overall well being of the married relation. Additionally, Kundali Milan in hindi has reached all the new dimensions of Indian household. Other than these factors, the practise of Kundali matching also fills you with a positive confidence. Believe it or not! This confidence is much needed when you approach towards the most enduring relation called Marriage. Vashya Koot Mutual attraction 2 points Yoni Koot Sexual life 4 points Gana Koot Behaviour 6 points Nadi Koot Pregnancy and child 8 points Every expected couple is tested in all the eight subjects with different methods. Compatibility in each subject is then added to give marks for overall compatibility. Astrology Remedies play an important role in kundali milan in hindi. It would not change your future but would help you be prepared and might even lessen the ill effects of certain planets. The elimination of doshas, according to astrology, is extremely important. And if the case is worse and doshas are unable of being removed completely, then marriage is not advisable for the two people. In case of a love marriage, kundli reading should be like this- the 7th house should have the 5th house significator as the sublord. For this, you have look into the fact who is the sublord of the 7th cusp and who are the significators of the 5th house. There can be 4 kinds of significators of each of the houses. Janam Kundli Reading Birth Chart Reading Janam kundali is a basic tool which assists the astrologers in making future predictions about a child. Also known as janam-patri, this is prepared by knowing the exact time, date and place of birth of a child. It helps to find out what the child might face in life, including both auspicious and inauspicious times. There are 12 houses in janam kundli which have different functions and indicate different meanings. The First House is known as the house of self and reflects your inner characteristics such as wisdom, peace, health etc. The second and third house represent wealth and relationships respectively. The Fourth house in the janam kundli is an indicator of your happiness and relationship with your mother. The fifth house is known as Putra Bhava and reflects your luck with children. The Sixth House is the house of enemies and represents your paternal relationships, health status etc. The seventh house is known as the house of your spouse and includes all aspects regarding your personal relationships with your life partner. The Eighth House in the kundli is the house of death and represents obstacles, diseases, defeats, and the like things. The twelfth house indicates a wide range of aspects including your law suits, debts, sexual pleasures, enemies, etc. Nowadays, due to advancements in technology, you also get the facility of online janam kundli reading, But consultation with astrologer is advisable. Kundli reading is considered extremely important to eliminate any problems and make the person life better. What is meant by Guna Milan? Guna is virtue of a person. It involves the inner traits of the person that includes Nature, Behaviour, thought process and psychology of person. Usually, it helps in kundali reading for marriage in which an astrologer compares two different personalities Man-Woman at the specific plane is called Ashtakoot Milan. It is very necessary step for the marriage life for achieving happiness, good health, and wealth in marital life. Good Guna Milan is a bliss for marriage life. What are the ways to perform it? It becomes compulsory when is present in one chart that is found after kundali matching for marriage. In second situation, when the seventh house House of Marriage is affected from the Malefic planets and promise of Happy marriage life indicates negativity. In the case of female, GhatVivah can performed with the gold idols of the lord Vishnu or it may be a with Pitcher Kumbh Vivah or it may be 7 Pheras around Aak plant. In case of Male It will be Kumbh Vivah. You should always consult with the experts before taking any decision. Naadi Dosh is when the Naadi of the Proposed Husband is similar to proposed wife. This decision of the presence of Naadi Dosh can be observed or predicted after a detail study of the horoscope based on the birth date , time and location or Milan of the two partners. This detail study of horoscope of couple is called as kundali matching and it indicates the flow of breath or energy in a person. In case this energy level in husband is same as wife the marriage between two partners are ruled out.
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